Tinkerer. Closet Nerd. Investor. String Plucker. Traveler.

All people I’ve every admired have had one trait in common. They wrote. So I figured that there must be something to it. These are people that have changed how I think, view the world, and make decisions. Through the eyes of others I have been able to learn more about the world and myself. While I’m not convinced that I am capable of causing the same for others, writing has its benefits. Writing is thinking; a tool to dive beneath the surface of one’s day dreams and fleeting thoughts. Writing causes you to forcibly organize thoughts, elaborate ideas, and investigate notions. Thus my intent is just that… and perhaps somewhere along the way, someone may read something that resonates with them or educates them, inspiring action.

I joined amSTATZ, Inc. – Technology for the Business of Fitness, Inc in 2015 as the Director of Customer Success, responsible for on-boarding, training, retention and the overall experience of amSTATZ customers.

Prior to amSTATZ, I worked on several start-up projects including the development of a location-based iPhone to-do list app and building a functional beverage company with distribution through Amazon.com. Both of which resolved to be more of educational ventures, rather than profitable ones.

I spent nearly 6 years of my career consulting confused fortune 100 companies, including many of those banks deemed ‘too big to fail.’ My projects primarily focused on strategic technology implementations and ‘operational improvements,’ whatever that means.

I received a BSE from the University of Michigan in 2009 (Go Blue), where I studied Industrial Operations Engineering and Economics. I was a founding member of U of M’s MPowered Entrepreneurship Program as well as a founding father of Pi Lambda Phi – Epsilon Chapter.

I’ve made a point to see some of the world with travels including Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Spain, Mexico, Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines (not sure Canada counts). If I had to pick a favorite experience, I’d have to go with the Chile/Argentina trip; great food and people.

This article has 2 comments

  1. Hayden R. Lewis Reply

    Hey Jason, just droppin’ in to say I really dig the blog and have tremendous respect for your willingness to go all “Into the Wild” and search for meaning in such an adventurous way. That’s something I’ve always wanted to do — something I still have a lot of time to do, in fact — but just never developed such an intense passion for the adventure and spirituality as you must’ve felt. This is great stuff you’re doing here though, man, and I’m looking forward to reading about your future insights and adventures.

    • shoey87 Reply

      Hayden, thanks for the comment! Funny that you reference “Into the Wild,” a girl that I met during my trip recommended the book to me; I’m about half way through. I think life should be fun and exciting, mediocrity and boredom is death; finally I resolved to do something about it! I suppose we’ll see where it takes me… Hope you keep reading!



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